Jan Jansen

Author of "The Rise And Fall Of A Prophet"

Jan Jansen

Jan Jansen is co-founder of Global Fire Ministries and senior pastor of the Fire Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Jan's desire is to see people walk in their full destiny by intimately knowing the Person of the Holy Spirit. She is a "glory girl" and has experienced countless manifestations of the glory of God throughout her ministry. She has tremendous faith to believe we should all be experiencing Heaven on Earth. She is a dreamer, dream interpreter, and seer. Jan's heart truly is to bring others to a deeper understanding of who God really is, His Father's heart, as well as His supernatural power.

Jan Jansen now comes forward as a first-time author, with a story that no one else is qualified to write, but must be told. She draws from her own firsthand experience to pen her narrative from the perspective of one who is not simply chronicling as an observer, but from the standpoint of personal and intimate involvement in the story, itself. She is a mother of not only her biological adult son, but of two daughters and a younger son who were a gift to her through the process of adoption. She also happily embraced the role of stepmother to the children of her late-husband, Jeff Jansen, whose life and ministry are highlighted in her new book, "The Rise And Fall Of A Prophet".

Jan Jansen founded and supports Blessed Arms Home Of Mercy, an orphanage in Kenya and has been used to encourage and counsel many couples that seek to adopt, by walking with them throughout the adoption process in order to see families grow in love. Jan already has a second book, "Windows" in her sights, that shares her experience with adoption, and references her viewpoint that the ease with which a window of God opens, is so much better than the lock of the closed door we try to pick. She hopes it will be valuable to anyone else who is either currently, or has a desire to be involved in that process.

The Rise And Fall Of A Prophet

is also available in both print and digital format at the following stores and wherever fine books are sold.